Three years ago was quite possibly the worst Thanksgiving of my life. And for that I am TRULY GRATEFUL! I know, what?! Read on…
Ultimately, I learned a golden lesson: how an attitude of gratitude can become the ultimate spiritual practice.
Sure, gratitude can look like reveling in the joy of your baby’s adorable giggle, appreciating a cool gulp of clean drinking water, or rejoicing at a new high in your bank account.
That’s not the gratitude I’m talkin’ bout!
Gratitude can be all the more powerful when we reflect upon the greatest challenges in our lives. Because guess what? Everything is happening FOR YOU, not to you.
When we judge ANY of our experiences as “bad,” we drop right into the discomfort of duality. We’re telling God that something is wrong with what’s happening, when truly, we’re being called forward to grow into more compassionate and embodied beings.
EMBRACE the totality of your experience as a human being. We’re in earth school, ya’ll! We’re here to LEARN!
So can you be grateful for the job loss? For the heart wrenching break-up?
When it feels like your life is being completely shaken up, you will be amazed at the golden nuggets that fall as the dust settles.
So that Thanksgiving I mentioned at the beginning of the post…shitty…
I was freaking out that I didn’t have a job as my soon-to be ex was putting the pressure on me to make my own living so he didn’t have to support me anymore (his gratitude for my years of staying at home with his children had obviously slipped his to-do list )
I was under extreme stress showing up to my family’s home in VA after the last election, bringing with me my boyfriend and our toxic relationship ti add to the family chaos.
And to top it off, I had a male family member tell me that I just needed to go get a job at Starbucks. This comment crushed me. I had just finished my third year of study for my Masters in Spiritual Psychology and I basically took his comment to mean that he didn’t believe in my ability to do anything with it. There might have also been the belief that my family member would rather have had my ex-husband at the turkey dinner instead of me!
But ya know what? That shitty Starbucks comment was the zinger that made steam shoot out of my ears and it WAS A LIFE CHANGING MOMENT!
It lit such a huge, fucking fire under my ass that I flew straight back to California and opened my coaching business within two months.
I never would have stepped into my career this outrageously empowered if I hadn’t felt the rage of disappointment at my family member’s lack of encouragement.
I could have spent the next couple of years agonizing over it but I moved my spiritual butt into healing PRONTO and used that challenge to create the most amazing business and income for myself and kids.
Sure, I know it can seem easier said than done, especially when you’re in the middle of a meltdown, but the opportunity to step into gratitude and process an obstacle as an absolute BLESSING is what holding a spiritual consciousness is all about.
But always remember, friend, no matter what you’re going through, your higher self is upleveling.