Krista looking into the ligh

The “God” Word

In the Golden Age of spiritual lingo, so many of us have been thinking about which is the “right” word to describe that indescribable higher power.

Is it:

The Universe?

I’m sure that all you fellow lightworkers out there have been called to come to terms what word to use!

Maybe you grew up with the word “God,’“ but that doesn’t resonate with you as much now because your understandings have shifted. Maybe “Spirit” feels too spooky or “woo-woo”. Maybe “The Universe” is a little too vague.

So, I thought I’d dig into this a little bit more. Recently I was doing some market research and I asked my clients the provocative question, “Which word do you prefer to use?”

There were a wide variety of answers and a wide variety of reasons for their answers.

As they continued to talk about their lives, challenges, goals, and interest in spirituality, a fascinating discovery began to form in my mind.

Those participants who were at the beginning of their spiritual journey chose the word Universe.

Those who had spent several years reading conscious materials and self-help books tended to choose the word Spirit.

The participants who had been deeply involved in spiritual teachings including groups, classes, and non-traditional healing modalities, chose the word God.

This discovery was so juicy and full of surprise that I was guided to reflect on my own journey with the word God.

Before going to school for my Masters in Spiritual Psychology I never spoke the word God, even though I had been diligently praying to God since I was a child. Through my 3 years of study, I too moved through the stages of using Universe, Higher Self, Authentic Self, and Spirit. Each one seemed to have their perfect place along my spiritual journey.

Until one day I found myself flat on my back having a spiritual awakening that took me past the edges of the Universe, beyond Spirit, and gave me an undeniable experience of GOD. From that day forward the word trickled then flowed out of my mouth with a confidence and inner knowing that God was actually a thing ya’ll!

But, I still didn’t speak it out in public forums.
Even using the word God had a time and a place for me.

Until now.

This year my faith has deepened into an even fuller confidence where I can finally begin embracing the power of the word God, bringing it not just into my personal life but into my business life as well. Because in God, nothing is separate!

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