To all my sexy entrepreneurs out there: when it comes to you and your personal brand, you do not belong in a box. We want to see all (and I mean ALL) the things that fully represent you.!
This insight is brought to you by a serious “aha” moment I had when one of my clients recently said to me (in the most endearing way):
“You’re a hot bitch on social media, but when I’m in session with you, you’re all “Father, Mother, God, Christ Consciousness…”
“Your marketing confuses me…Are you the sexy, party girl or the God girl?”
At first it stung…then I laughed…
Then I realized that her comments were actually reflecting back to me an internal confusion that I was having within myself regarding my marketing, messaging and offerings.
As I contemplated this during a morning massage, an important realization came forward:
I am BOTH Sexy, Fun girl AND God girl! Wow! I can be all of that?!
It’s through expanding and healing myself spiritually that my party girl has been unleashed in such an authentically joyful way.
Not the party girl in the typical drinking and clubbing kind of way.
And not the party girl who is trying to escape her depression and fill the hole within. Those days are over.
I’m the party girl who sees each trip to the grocery store and each bike ride around the neighborhood as an opportunity to embrace the zest of life!
These days my God Girl feels so connected and in alignment with my purpose, career, and delicious partnership, that I feel yumminess oozing out of me daily! I feel alive and juicy!
But the connection didn’t just happen.
I had to search for it.
Heal it.
Forgive the misbelief that I had ever lost it!
Spiritual healing has brought me deep happiness, contentment and faith, and has given me the ability to fully embrace sexiness, silliness and all the luxuries of life so that I can post epic photos of myself drinking champagne and celebrating on a Tuesday just because I can.
God wants this God Girl happy, creative and feeling epic.
Who am I to say no?
Your tools of SPIRITUALITY can free you from your fears. They can help you feel joyful and juicy, (even if you’re doing the chores) so that you can become a magnetic person who attracts money, love, and a high vibe tribe.