The Healer’s Healer 3 Month Mastermind

THE HEALERS HEALER is for women who are supporting dozens of clients, love what they do, and see that it sometimes comes at a cost to other parts of their lives.

DIFFERENCE in whether you are going to be able to move through a chaRelationships suffer. Timelines suffer. Your marketing message suffers.

Your body aches with the old wounds that are surfacing and it feels like the inner work never stops.

And it doesn’t really… but now you can have a highly educated, spiritually connected coach to share with you tools that make a HUGEllenging client moment and still show up as a badass coach for your next appointment!

Have you ever thought, “HELP! I’m a RELATIONSHIP COACH and I’m struggling to break this repeat pattern with my boyfriend. I REALLY need someone to talk this out with but I’m afraid they will think I’m an unqualified coach. 

Or worse yet, A FRAUD! I don’t want to lose their respect and possibly the potential of them one day becoming a client. I’ll just keep quiet, shut it down, and hope it goes away.”

Or maybe you are a rockstar MINDSET COACH whose own business coach just gave some “gentle feedback” and your high vibe mindset just took a stage dive.

And what about you, Miss Spiritual BUSINESS COACH? Ever had a day when you lost faith in your ability to successfully launch a new program just because you just watched one of your clients surpass you?

Beautiful Sister, you are a powerful healer and serve so many people and you deserve to be supported!
Go from CRYING after having a disagreement with your partner, to JUMPING on that client call without skipping a beat! It takes massive SKILLS to pull that off sister!

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